Film Incentives
In addition to our state-of-the-art facility, Q2 Studios is able to allow filmakers to take advantage of powerful financial incentives offered by the state of New Mexico.
New Mexicos Painless 25% Tax Rebate
New Mexico offers a 25% Tax Rebate on all direct production expenditures, including New Mexico labor, that are subject to taxation by the State of New Mexico. This is a refund, not a credit, on the full amount of the expenditure, not just the tax portion. (i.e. if the expense of an item including tax is $100, the rebate is $25). There is no minimum spend required, no cap, and no sunset clause. Our rebate applies to feature films, television, regional and national commercials, documentaries, video games and post-production. Non-resident actors and stunt performers will also qualify, though under a separate tax structure.
New Mexicos Film Investment Loan
New Mexico offers a 0% loan, with backend participation in lieu of interest, for up to $15 million per project (which can represent 100% of the budget) for qualifying feature films or television projects animation included.
Terms are negotiated and budget must be at least $2 million. You may apply for the loan and New Mexicos 25% Tax Rebate.
NO State Sales Tax
Not to be used in conjunction with the 25% tax rebate.
Type 16 Nontaxable Transaction Certificates (NTTCs) work much like grocery-store coupons. A certificate is presented at the point of sale and no gross receipts tax (sales tax) is charged. (Used primarily for commercials & PSAs)
Film Crew Advancement Program
New Mexico offers a 50% reimbursement of wages for on-the-job training of New Mexico residents in advanced below-the-line crew positions. New Mexican Supervisors and Keys have the opportunity to hire and mentor qualifying NM crew in advanced positions for this program.